Awakening Retreat
Secure Online Retreat Registration
Be awakened and transformed by Christ in Spirit, mind, body, and soul,
to equip you as you step into your unique God-given purpose!
Thursday - Sunday October 15-18
Black Forest Retreat
11130 Teachout Road, Black Forest, CO
Please fill out all of this information in full to be able to purchase your ticket. Please note that in order to be registered you must select one of the ticket options below.
Many women would like to go to this retreat, but cannot afford it. Please consider making a donation toward another woman's registration fee. It can be any amount you are able to give, and all money will go toward scholarships for other women.
Your card will not be charged. This is a pre-registration to reserve your spot until your payment is processed in the future. By completing this page, you agree that this payment information will be used to process your payment for the full amount at the proper time.